This ICP questionnaire is based on ICP 16 version 2011.
How to fill out the questionnaires
The following steps are recommended to fill out this questionnaire:
- Download the questionnaire from the additional resources box on the right so that you can prepare your answers prior to starting the online questionnaire.
- Prepare the answers to the ICP questionnaire.
- Once you have your answers ready you can access this self-assessment tool again.
- Click on the "Start" button below.
- Fill in your contact information and acknowledge the confidentiality option.
- Start taking the questionnaire, move back and forth between questions by using the buttons "back" and "next".
- Check whether you have completed your questionnaire correctly by downloading a preview.
- Submit your answers for review and calculation of results.
- Check your results in the pop-up window. You may also download the file and save the weblink that is automatically sent to your email to access your questionnaire again.
Estimated time of completion: 30 minutes
Additional resources
Contact Information
We kindly ask you to provide us with additional information before starting the questionnaire.
Data sharing
I understand that my information is shared with secretary of the CISNA region
Data sharing
I understand that my information is shared with secretary of the GIICs region
I hereby confirm that I accept that the A2ii Secretariat may use the information provided above to contact me regarding the ICP self-assessment results and further enquiries. I may withdraw my consent at any time via email at info@icp-selfassessment.org and personal data will be deleted. The information provided in the self-assessment tool will be treated confidentially. I acknowledge that the results to the self-assessment will be calculated solely on the basis of my answers to the questionnaire without any qualitative review. The results are therefore only high-level and non-binding.
Your ICP results
The ICP standards have been assessed using five categories: observed, largely observed, partly observed, not observed, and not applicable.
- For a standard to be considered observed it is usually necessary that the supervisor has the legal authority to perform its tasks and that it exercises this authority to a satisfactory level.
- For a standard to be considered as largely observed, it is necessary that only minor shortcomings exist which do not raise any concerns about the supervisor’s ability to achieve full observance with the standard.
- A standard will be considered partly observed whenever, despite progress, the shortcomings are sufficient to raise doubts about the supervisor’s ability to achieve observance.
- A standard will be considered not observed whenever no substantive progress toward observance has been achieved.
- A standard would be considered not applicable if the standard does not apply given the structural, legal and institutional features of a jurisdiction.
This self-assessment’s results sheet provides you with your overall score for the ICP questionnaire on the basis of your answers without any qualitative review. The results are therefore only high-level and non-binding.
This ICP questionnaire is based on ICP 16 version 2011.
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